
Book review 12

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David Lemuel E. Garcia                                                                                        


10564721      BS-IM




Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases 5th Edition


By Manuel G. Velasquez





Chapter 3: The Business System



                        “A business person’s ideology often determines the business decisions he or she makes; through these decisions, the ideology influences the person’s behavior.”




            - Every person has his or her own ideas and own decision making skills. The way you perceive ideas would show what type of person you are and how you would actually do things as you pass through certain decision making problems. Ideas are very artistic in its existence as it was being formed by the thinking of the human mind, thus giving that person an image of whatever the type of idea he or she has that can either be good or bad for the person.




Summary of the Chapter:



            This chapter was about the business system with regards to the free market and rights, the utility of free markets, and Marxist criticisms. The free market and rights was taken from John Locke’s work, the utility of free markets is from Adam Smith. The mixed economy is also being tackled as part of this chapter.




Chapter 5: Ethics and the Environment



                        “An ecological ethic is thus an ethic that claims that the welfare of at least some nonhumans is intrinsically valuable and that, because of this intrinsic value, we humans have a duty to respect and preserve them. “



            - It only means that we people should also take care of our environment. It was like an implied duty that we need to take care of those around us from which we benefit from. Our nature, our environment are the ones that provide for us therefore we also have the obligation to take care of these things because the depletion of these things would also mean that we would lose raw materials that we will need for our future.








Summary of the Chapter:





            On this chapter, the nature was part of the discussion in most parts, the dimensions of pollution and resource depletion, the ethics of pollution, and the ethics of conserving depletable resources. Nature being an important thing for us humans giving us the responsibility to take care of it and how should we act accordingly to what the nature and our environment demands from us.



Chapter 6: Ethics of Consumer Production and Marketing



                        “The basic moral duty that a business firm owes its customers…is the duty to provide consumers with a product that lives up to those claims that the firm expressly made about the product, which led the customer to enter the contract freely and which formed the customer’s understanding concerning what he or she is agreeing to buy.”



            - By buying a certain product from the firm means that you actually “signed” a contract that says that you abide by the rules of use of the product and that you understand the effects of that product to you once you use it and that you fully accept and agrees at every rule that can be implied to the product that you bought. It also means that any misuse of the product would be your own error and that the company who made the product won’t be responsible for any damage that their product made.



Summary of the Chapter:



            - This chapter was about the markets and consumer protection, the contract view of business’ duties to its consumers, the due care theory, the social costs view of the manufacturer’s duties, the ethics of advertisement, and the consumers privacy. This chapter was giving the idea of what responsibilities does the firm have to its market or consumers or the end users by buying their product and using it in various ways.





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